13 Different Emotions You Are Going To Experience The Week After Pay Day


Pinch, punch, our favourite day is the first of the month! And we’re pretty sure everyone knows exactly why. 

Aside from the fact that it’s a brand new month, it’s also usually pay day – a.k.a most anticipated a.k.a best day ever. So here it goes, the 13 emotions and feelings you’ll probably experience the week after pay day… it’s not all exciting! 

1. Excitement

Let’s get that $CHMONEYYYY!

2. Achievement 

Repeat after me, “I worked so hard for this money, I deserve this money, I earned this money.”

3. Determined

“Soooo, I definitely deserve a reward of some sort… I just wonder what I should treat myself to?”

4. Happiness

Spending your money on something that you’ve justified as a ‘reward’, it’s probably stupid but you remind yourself that you live for the NOW.

5. Egoistic 

You gotta let everyone know, that pay check was FAATTTT. 

We. Bout. To. Make. It. Rain.

6. Generous

All of a sudden, all the rounds are on you. Cause you know. You a baller. 

It’s for the whole squad.

7. Achievement (part 2)

Yup, you’re definitely the man.

8. Questions

“But wait, this doesn’t add up.” 

“What did we even order last night?”

“Who did I call an Uber for?”

9. Responsibility

Ok, let’s just clear all my bills before we make anymore stupid mistakes.

10. Confusion

“This just doesn’t make sense, how did I blow half my cheque within 4 days?”

11. Sadness

When you realise there’s absolutely no justifications for all your actions.

12. Remorse

You start to regret the day you decided to even leave the house.

13. Motivation

This is the moment where you convince yourself that you will work twice as hard this month, just to be triple as stupid on the first of the next.


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