Three People Got Free Flights Just For Filling Out This Simple Airport Survey You Probably Ignore


How often do you get given a survey at a store, in a bank or at an airport that you just pass aside and ignore?

Well this story will definitely change your behaviour in future:

Sharjah Airport Authority asked customers to fill out  a customer feedback questionnaire programme and rewarded people for the responses. 

Three lucky people were selected

The survey is designed as a tool for the airport to communicate with customers and for customers to provide valuable feedback. 

The three winners, Khalifa bin Rashid Al Saeedi from the Sultanate of Oman, Mohammed Tamer Aboud from Guinea-Bissau and Bawn Ghandi from India received free flights with AirArabia, simply for taking part!

HHmmmm, maybe surveys aren’t a waste of time after all

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