6 Tweets That Sum Up How Dubai Residents Are Dealing With The Weather Right Now


We hate to take part in the cliché that wallows about the current weather in Dubai- but oh well.

You may have noticed that a quick smoke break during work or the walk back after that FAB lunch you had now means smelling like the sun and runny makeup (can you feel me, ladies?)- Well, what have you- that’s summertime in this region!

Although let’s be real, Dubai more than makes up for the 40 and above weather with great beaches, poolside locations and options for breezy coolers.

Still, we can’t help but compare the beauty of colder months in the city as opposed to the current sauna situation we’re enduring.

Or your hair…

We’re all masters of the ‘art of living from AC to AC’

Fo sho.

Don’t even try to compare it

…but this also means more tanning sessions are in play.

Gotta check twice just to make sure

Three showers a day- just because

Forget selfies, your iPhones need all the TLC during daytime

Though let’s face it, we wouldn’t have it any other way


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