5 Places You Can Escape The Humidity And Heat This Week


We feel you, it’s hot – everyone has a sweat moustache and no one can seem to keep their clothes dry for more than a minute outside in the humidity.  

It has reached 40C, and is set to rise further – along with the dang humidity, so here are some suggestions for where you can get some respite from the weather.

1. The sauna

At least it’s dry heat, am I right? 

Though most carparks work the same way at this point – so if you don’t have access to a sauna, just head to your building’s basement for a session. 

2. Your oven

Cool off by cranking your oven, and standing in front of it with the door open – especially if it’s fan-based and just enjoy that warm breeze. 

This way you won’t get sunburnt…

3. Under a hairdryer

The breeze from the hot air will at least dry you off… if not, at least your hair will look good eh? 

4.  Hot box in the car in the sun

Sweat it all out, and get out of the blazing sun by sitting in a hot car to cool down… It’ll get you out of the humidity and hot winds.

5. In a hot tub

Hey, at least this one is fun! Sit in a 40-degree tub of water and enjoy a massage and your muscle tension reduced…you may actually feel a tad chilly when you get out? 


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