6 Ways A Hot Bath Is More Beneficial To You Than You May Think


Hot baths aren’t for everyone. Some are too impatient for it, while others could sit in a tub for hours on end. It’s a form of cleansing one’s body, after all. However, there are more positive benefits to hot baths other than keeping you relaxed. 

Read the six ways a hot bath is more beneficial to you than you think:

1. ‘Having a hot bath burns the same amount of calories as going for a run’

If you’ve ever looked at Dubai’s hot and humid weather outside and decided to sack off the jog in favour of a long luxurious bubble bath, you might not have any cause to feel guilty…

Yup, it’s official – researchers at Loughborough University claim that taking a plunge may have similar health benefits to exercising.

They claim that ‘passive heating’ – the experience your body goes through while taking a bath – might have a positive effect on blood sugar control and the number of calories that the body burns – meaning it could be just as good for you as a long ol’ jog.

Pass the bath bubbles!

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2. The sweating in a really hot tub helps eliminate toxins 

According to a study on the monitoring and elimination of bioaccumulated toxic elements by Beesoon et al, sweating during a workout or even in a hot tub may help excrete heavy metals and other toxic elements that you’ve gathered from your surroundings. So the sweating helps you get rid of cadmium, arsenic, lead, mercury and phthalates (found in personal care products). 

3. Sore from yesterday’s workout? A warm bath will relieve your muscle pain

A hot bath is akin to a hot pack, that usually works to increase temperature of the aching muscles, leading to pain relief. For athletes however, a cold bath would be more advisable as it lowers the levels of lactic acid in your bloodstream.

4. You get better sleep after a warm bath 

“A drop in body temperature at night is one of the classic signals for the body to start producing melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. Our bodies get colder at night naturally: apparently the temperature dip starts two hours before bed and lasts till about 4 a.m. Kick-starting that downward shift by heating yourself up artificially is an old trick to get yourself to feel sleepy. Get out of a bath, cool yourself down for a while, then slip into bed. Don’t massively overheat yourself, though, or you’ll find you’re actually revved up instead of chilled out.” (via Bustle

5. It can improve your cardiac function

Often overlooked, taking warm baths (not too hot, if you have specific heart conditions) will make your heart beat faster, giving it a good workout. And it lowers your blood pressure.

6. Best way to treat a cough or cold 

Yep. The hot water and steam helps clear your lungs and decongests your nose and throat. 

Multi-purpose, indeed. What are you waiting for?

Get your bath salts, candles, bubbles and music ready. 


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