The World Economic Forum Calculated And Proved That The UAE Is One Of The Most Digitally Advanced Countries In The World


In collaboration with the Harvard Business Review, the World Economic Forum published an article showing that the UAE is one of the world’s most digitally advanced countries in the world. 

The article, which can be read here, discusses lightly how digital technology is spreading fast and that depending on individual location different speeds are taken as we progress towards the digital planet.

The World Economic Forum states that digital technology is proven to change the future of work and that it could affect 50% of the worlds economy as we approach the ‘second machine age’. 

They preformed a survey that inquired the answers to:

  1. What the patterns of digital evolution are, what factors explain such patterns and how they vary across regions.
  2. Which countries are the most digitally competitive and what acts as the prime driver of competitiveness.
  3. How digital momentum is accelerated in countries.

They’ve created a chart mapping the planet and broke it down into four zones

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The UAE falls under the category ‘Stand Out’

Out of 100 countries that were studied, the UAE was categorised as one of the highly digitally advanced countries that demonstrate high momentum.

Countries that are categorised under ‘Stand Out’ have also been said to be leaders in innovation.

Other countries that have been categorised with the UAE are Singapore and New Zealand. 


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