5 New Year’s Resolutions Every UAE Resident Should Make For 2018


Every year we convince ourselves that we’ll stick to our newest resolutions – but we all know that only lasts for not more than a week.

At the end of the day, it’s the small things that count, and so here are five resolutions that would make a huge difference in our lives if we just stuck by them for all of 2018!

1. Stop going to so many brunches

With VAT just right around the corner, maybe (JUST MAYBE), we’ll put our shenanigans to rest… but then again, who could ever say no?

2. Start saving up more

We have an amazing public transportation system, yet the bougie lifestyle will forever haunt us when it’s so damn easy to get an Uber or a Careem. 

Honestly though, the way your bank will be set up next year? You’ll thank us for this one.

3. Stop using “In Sha Allah” when you don’t mean it.

This word seriously needs to be reclaimed from how it is currently being used.

The only time it WILL be valid though is, “Are you coming to work tomorrow?”

4. Cut out the fast food

McDonald’s, you know we love you, but these offers you keep sending us are absolutely irresistible! Please! We’re trying to be healthy!

5. Finally use that Carrefour card

You aaaaaalll know what I’m talking about. Time to rack up these points!


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