A Lot of People Complained About The New WhatsApp Status Update So They’ve Returned The Simpler Version


After netizens complaints about the new WhatsApp status update, its invasion of privacy or the mockery of other social media accounts- whatever it is, the developers have listened to the demands of the public and have updated it again. 

This time around, with the plain and simple one liner statuses (complete with the emojis).

If you update your Whatsapp account, it will also retain the status you and all your contacts had prior to last month’s update

Don’t believe us? Give it a try.

There’s another new update 

Whatsapp has also updated with a new low-light mode, according to Khaleej Times.  You can see a moon logo on the upper-right corner of your camera’s screen, and this will allow the shots you take to show better even in dim areas.

Because of this update, videos you play won’t have to have a download waiting time. However, they will still be saved on your phone as you play it.


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