FOX News Makes Accusations Against GEMS Education And People In Dubai Are Not Happy


A report came out on FOX News after Hillary Clinton’s tax returns were released claiming that GEMS
Education, an international education company based in Dubai, has paid former
US president Bill Clinton a whopping AED 20.5 million to head the company’s
charity division.

FOX News, often accused of biased reporting for the Republican Party is seen as a political mouth piece for Donald Trump in his quest to win the presidential battle against Hillary Clinton. The news report links GEMS Education to Sharia Law teachings and even terrorism: “a portion of their tax, which they call religious tax, goes to funding Islamic jihad”. 

The FOX News report has angered many

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A speech by Bill Clinton when he launched the Varkey GEMS Foundation

Bill Clinton was appointed honorary chairman of the Varkey GEMS Foundation in 2010, soon after the former US president announced that GEMS Education would become a strategic partner of the Clinton Global Initiative. 

“The benefits from an educated child will affect not only the child itself, but his or her family and the wider community. The Varkey GEMS Foundation’s commitment will bring that opportunity to millions more children around the world.”

Bill Clinton

Working with consultants has contributed to great projects for GEMS…

Some of these included:

Instructional Leadership Training in Uganda where school leaders are identified and trained to help improve teaching methods in schools. These individuals then return to their schools and further train others and the process continues.

Currently being implemented in Ghana, the ‘Train for Tomorrow‘ project focuses on training school leaders through face-to-face and then distance-learning cascades.

And lastly, Ghana’s first interactive distance-learning project ‘Making Ghanaian Girls Great!‘ which offers enhanced quality of education to more than 4,000 girls. 

Do these tax documents have an impact on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign?

On a day when reports came out that Hillary has increased her lead over US presidential candidate rival Donald Trump to eight points, stories such as this show there is a long way to go as question marks over the workings of the Clinton Foundation continue. There can be no questions on the importance Hilary places on education in society and her work in this area over the years. 


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